27/01/1916 |
President Wilson launches a nationwide
whistle-stop campaign to generate support for Preparedness
and the Continental Army with three speeches in New York. |
31/01/1916 |
The U.S War College Division
warns its civilian employees "to engage in no discussion
whatever concerning the progress of the European War". |
03/02/1916 |
President Wilson delivers his
final speech of Preparedness in Saint Louis. |
10/02/1916 |
British conscription law goes
into effect. |
21/02/1916 |
The Battle of Verdun
begins as the Germans launch a massive attack against Verdun
in what will become the longest battle of the war. |
24/02/1916 |
Acting Secretary of War Hugh
L. Scott asks United States War College Division if any plans
exist in the event "of a complete rupture" with Germany. |
09/03/1916 |
Pancho Villa's raid
on Columbus, New Mexico. |
15/03/1916 |
Pershing starts pursuit of Villa
into Mexico. |
24/03/1916 |
The French passenger
ship, Sussex is torpedoed. |
04/04/1916 |
The American naval and military
attaches in Paris and London draft a plan for mobilizing US
shipping to carry an American army to Europe, but their plan
is ignored. |
19/04/1916 |
President Wilson, publicly calls
for the German's to stop their submarine policy of sinking
all ships in enemy waters without warning. |
24/04/1916 |
The Easter rebellion
starts in Ireland. |
27/04/1916 |
Field Marshal Lord Kitchener,
the British Secretary of State for War, asks for American military
participation in Europe. |
29/04/1916 |
British forces surrender to Turkish
forces at Kut in Mesopotamia. |
Apr 1916 |
British forces in
Mesopotamia begin advance on Baghdad. |
04/05/1916 |
Germany renounces
submarine policy. |
15/05/1916 |
Canadians troops capture Vimy
Ridge. |
19/05/1916 |
Britain and France
conclude Sykes-Picot agreement. |
31/05/1916 |
Battle of Jutland
begins between British and German naval forces. |
May 1916 |
The Italians begin
the Trentino Offensive. |
01/06/1916 |
Having been the biggest
naval battle in history, the battle of Jutland ends without
a clear victor. |
03/06/1916 |
The National Defense Act authorizes
a five-year expansion of US Army, but at the same time drastically
limits size and authority of US War Department General Staff. |
04/06/1916 |
The Russians launch
their Brusilov Offensive against Austro-Hungary in Carpathia. |
With British support
(led by T.E. Lawrence), Hussein, grand sherif of Mecca, leads
an Arab revolt against the Turks in the Hejaz. |
Jun 1916 |
Trentino Offensive
ends. |
01/07/1916 |
Start of the Battle
of the Somme, with the British military suffering its greatest
number of casualties in a single day, 60,000. |
29/07/1916 |
US marines land in
Haiti. |
30/07/1916 |
The Black Tom Island munitions
plant is destroyed by an explosion. It is suspected that it
was German sabotage. |
Aug 1916 |
Romania enters the
war on the Allies side. |
31/08/1916 |
Germany suspends
U-boat attacks. |
15/09/1916 |
Tanks introduced
for the first time on the Somme battlefield by the British. |
20/09/1916 |
Russia's Brusilov offensive in
Carpathia comes to an end, having nearly knocked Austria-Hungary
out of the war. |
15/10/1916 |
Germany resumes U-boat
attacks under search and destroy rules. |
07/11/1916 |
Woodrow Wilson is re-elected
in the USA with a campaign slogan of "He kept us out of
the war". |
18/11/1916 |
Battle of the Somme ends. |
28/11/1916 |
The First German airplane (as
opposed to zeppelin) air-raid is conducted on Britain |
29/11/1916 |
US occupation of Santa Domingo
proclaimed. |
07/12/1916 |
David Lloyd George replaces Asquith
as British Prime Minister. |
12/12/1916 |
Germany issues peace note suggesting
a compromise peace. |
18/12/1916 |
German attack on Verdun ends,
with the French holding their positions, with great losses
to both sides. US President Woodrow Wilson requests statements
of war objectives from warring nations in peace note. |
31/12/1916 |
Rasputin the self-avowed holy
man and confidant to the Russian Tsarina, is murdered by relatives
of the Tsar. |